Friday, October 5, 2012

Inca Kola

My fist Inca Cola outside the supermarket, Tottus Super, where I bought it. 
Peruvians love their Inca Kola. It was created in Peru in 1935 and is a great source of pride for Peruvians (even though the company entered a joint venture with Coca-Cola in '99). It is a staple at any bodega or beverage pushcart on the street and is hard to walk 50 feet on a main road without seeing it. It's artificial color is a bright yellow-gold that is honestly not very enticing. However, it tastes kind of like a lemon-flavored cream soda and I can dig it.

1 comment:

  1. From wikipedia, "The soda has an unusual sweet fruity flavor that resembles a little of its main ingredient, lemon verbena, locally known as Hierba Luisa. Americans compare its flavor to liquid bubblegum. It has been described as "an acquired taste" whose "intense colour alone is enough to drive away the uninitiated."
