Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bolivia Desert Day 3

Geysers nearing the Chilean border. Altitude over 4,000 meters. Freezing except for the wet hot terrible sulfer smell. 

Our desert drop zone at the border between Bolivia and Chile. 
Jacob enjoys the first sip of a massive 1.2 liter Chilean beer at our strange hostel in San Pedro De Atacama, Chile. Every country seems to have a Cristal. This one came with a $1 bottle deposit. Closest thing we found to a keg in all our travels. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bolivian Desert Day 2

Sunrise across the Salt Flat

Green Lagoon

Our somewhat disgruntled guide. 
This crazy guy was biking across this never ending cold and baron landscape. Respect. 
Arbol de Piedra (Stone Tree)

The Red Lagoon

Our hostel for the night by the Red Lagoon. Fairly primitive and very cold at night. At least we had wine to warm us up. 

Salt Flats Bolivia (El Salar de Uyuni)

Salt Sculptures